MB WAY is the first interbank solution that allowsimmediate payments and transfers via smartphone ortablet. Signing up for this service is quite simple and can bedone at the ATM or via the app. Simply associate a card(debit or credit) to your cell phone number and define a 6-digit PIN to use the service. MB WAY offers a wide varietyof services, allowing you to generate virtual MB NET cards, pay for purchases both in physical storesand online stores, send money to other users, and even withdraw money at the ATM without usingyour bank card. To make online payments with MB WAY, the buyer just needs to enter his or hercell phone number at the online store and immediately receives a request in the application toauthorize the payment. MB WAY is a Multibanco solution
About us
Processing News is an Online Wikipedia of the payment world. We collect and publish information about payment habits in different countries, describing methods that payers use in their daily life.
We attract website owners and payment professionals on our portal through marketing channels and personal communication. Also we work as affiliates and recommend to the website owners where they can find a PSP who supports their business model and we introduce clients to PSP.
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